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The Flores agreement has protected migrant children for nearly 3 decades. Changes may be coming.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Biden administration is expected to try to partially end a 27-year-old agreement that provides court oversight of how the federal government cares for migrant children in its custody, according to an attorney with Children’s Rights, which represents children in the case.

The anticipated move comes weeks after the Health and Human Services Department published its own rule on safeguards, effective July 1, that Secretary Xavier Becerra said will set “clear standards for the care and treatment of unaccompanied (migrant) children.”

Children’s advocates say what is known as the Flores agreement has been instrumental in guaranteeing safe conditions for children, especially amid rising border detentions over the past two years that included nearly 300,000 unaccompanied minors.

Here is a look at the Flores agreement and why it matters:
